Monday, 30 January 2017

Films i like that i watched recently

I've been watching a hella lot of films these past couple months. Its been really cold and dark so i guess that's why I just stay cooped up inside revising whilst watching a film (doesn't really help you to revise). So i thought I'd talk about some of the films i have watched. I really like them and they are really cool (to me) and most of them are or were on netflix. So hook yourself up.

I think this film is really cute. It's quite pleasing to watch and is very neon and red toned with lots of bright clear shots, mixed with dark, smokey mysterious shots. Its basically about these girls who want to go on spring break. They can't afford it. So do you know what they do? They rob a diner/cafe. And they go on spring break. Then there's this whole thing with James Franco being a gangsta rapper, lots and lots of weed and a threesome in a pool. Its pretty good. I didn't really like it first but i watched it a second time and i understood it more and enjoyed it.

It will ruin disney channel for you tho.

2.Natural Born Killers
A literal mind fuck of a movie. The two main characters are always tripping on shrooms and pills and literally are nether not high. And there all these overlaying shots and little skits and its done in a really cool way. These two kids, Mickey and Mallory go on a killing spree across america, killing whoever they feel like killing and are painted, by the western society of teenagers, as celebrities and as an iconic "killer" couple. Do you see my pun? cuz I do. 
Anyway it is quite a horrible story, how all these people get killed, But you feel a sense of sympathy for mallory and mickey as they do really love each other. I don't want to sympathise with killers but oh well. 

I think it says a lot about American culture.
But thats all too deep. Lol

3. Requiem For a Dream
Its basically about how three heroin addicts and a pill popping old lady show how destructive and sad drug abuse is. This woman and her son and his two friends. The woman gets invited to do a tv show, which she is obsessed with. In need to do this she must fit into this red dress which her husband, who left her, liked her in. She then goes on these pills. Which make her lose weight. But then they stop making her feel high and happy. So she takes more. And then thats when shit starts. On the other side of the city, her son, his girlfriend and their friend are all heroin addicts. They keep on losing money and have to travel to Florida in order to buy the drugs they need. The son and his girlfriends relationship deteriorates as the girlfriend starts to trade sex for drugs, the friend has flashbacks of his mother and the son has this really nasty thing happen to him. Anyway it will ruin your day, but is quite beautiful to watch. And will make you never want to touch drugs. 

The mother
                                                                              The son

The girlfriend

The friend 

Anyways thats all I'm gonna do for now, because this does actually take a long time. 
So bye bye. I hope this wasn't to depressing for y'all. 
I might do some happier films next time or something completely different. I do have a lot of work so posts are not gonna be often. Sorry, just gonna have to deal. 
See y'all later. 

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