Tuesday, 28 June 2016


I, just like the last post, am still into anime. So I was scrolling through netflix looking at the anime section and my sister about a month before said "omigod mollie i just started watching a new anime and its giving me the feels" and then she proceeded to roll around the house. She only watched a few episodes of it and hadn't finished until I had finished on Saturday. BUT I watched this season. This beautiful season of love, tears, beautiful teenagers and motorcycling maniacs. Its called........Terror in resonance. AND AND AND AND!!!!!!!! Its amazing. Its by the same guy who directed Cowboy Bebop and it is beautiful. Its basically about, without giving to many spoilers, two teenage boys who are called 12 and 9. And they are terrorists. Wait, I know you're going "what are you talking about you crazy weirdo?" Yes and they don't kill, they injure, but never kill. One day they're blowing up a building and a suicidal, lonely school girl called Lisa and they make her their accomplice. Then shit goes down. BIG TIME. There are guns and bombs and tears (as said before) and if you have a soul it will make you cry big time. So watch it. It is on netflix and I've already made a shrine to it on my wall.
Black haired boy is 9, COMPUTER GENIUS, Light browned boy is 12, MOTORCYCLING MANIAC and Lisa the beautiful little baby girl is the accomplice. 

So bye for now. 
Watch it. 

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